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GO GO KOREAN repeat speaking 2

GO GO KOREAN 2017. 1. 15. 04:21

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GO GO KOREAN repeat speaking 2

This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device, and with iTunes on your computer. Books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device.


How to enjoy Korean language.

This book is Korean language textbook for beginner.
Refer to the images or other visual materials to stimulate interest and background knowledge.
Throughout the repeated exercises, you can ensure successful acquisition for Korean.

Above all, The advantage of this book is that you can hear the voices of native speakers.

Are you interested in Korean culture?
Additionally, refer to the following words.

Key word : Korean, Learning Korean, Learn Korean, Korea, Corea, Seoul, Gangnam, Style, Gangnam Style, South Korea, Korean pop, Korean song, South Korean pop music, Korean Music Standards, HelloKpop, K-pop Star, Korean Idol, K-pop, Korean drama, Korean dramas, K-drama, Kimchi, Korean foods, Korean food, Korean culture, Hanbok, Korean War, K-culture, Republic of Korea, Korean Language, Beginner, Fun Korean, Speaking Practice, Go Go Korean.

키워드 : 코리안한국어 학습한국어 공부한국서울강남스타일강남스타일한국 가수한국 노래한국 음악한국 아이돌케이팝스타한국 드라마김치한국 음식한국 요리한복한국 전쟁한국 문화대한민국한국어초보자재미있는 한국어말하기 연습고고 코리안.

세계 언어로 '한국어' 뭐예요?

네덜란드어 Koreaans 독일어 Koreanisch 러시아어 корейский 루마니아어 coreeană 몽골어 БНСУ-ын 베트남어 Hàn Quốc 스웨덴어 koreanska 스페인어 coreano 아일랜드어 Cóiréis 아제르바이잔어 Koreya 우크라이나어 Корейська 웨일즈어 Corea 이탈리아어 coreano 일본어 国語 중국어(간체鲜的 중국어(번체朝鮮的 체코어 korejský 카자흐어 корей 크로아이타어 korejski 타갈로그어 Koreano 타직어 Кореяи 태국어 เกาหลี 터키어 Kore 페르시아어 کره ای 포르투갈어 coreano 폴란드어 koreański 프랑스어 coréen 핀란드어 korealainen 헝가리어 koreai 히브리어 קוריאני 영어 Korean

  • $4.99
  • Level: Grades 13-14
  • Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac.
  • Category: Foreign Languages
  • Published: Apr 16, 2015
  • Publisher: Korea Institute of Language Education
  • Seller: Jeongrae Lee
  • Print Length: 53 Pages
  • Language: Korean
  • Requirements: To view this book, you must have an iOS device with iBooks 1.5 or later and iOS 4.3.3 or later, or a Mac with iBooks 1.0 or later and OS X 10.9 or later.

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